IT Facts
- Main OS
- OS History
- Windows 3.1
- Windows 95
- Windows XP
- openSUSE
- Debian
- Arch Linux (netbook)
- Exherbo Linux (desktop)
- Windows 7 (desktop, dual boot)
- Programming Languages
- Main
- Funded Knowledge
- Basic Knowledge
- Development
- Main Interest
- Massively parallel computing using NVIDIA CUDA and OpenCL
- Scientific Programming
- Simulation
- Webdevelopment
- Current projects
Current Occupation
- Occupation
- Institute
- Otto-von-Guericke-University (OvGU), Magdeburg
- Department
- Field of Study
- Since
Past Occupations
- Occupation
- Institute
- Hennebergisches Gymnasium “Georg Ernst”, Schleusingen
- Time